Circular Economics is the Next Economics | 54612


国际标准期刊号 - 2332-2594


Circular Economics is the Next Economics

Woodrow W. Clark II

The impact of COVID-19 pandemic on the global everyday lives of people, communities, businesses and government activities are what motivated me to provide and enact different, understandings the situations in daily life. These discussions and debates are directly at the core of what western industrialized capitalism had become. However today the research and in-depth analysis that I have done for over the last two decades and is the next economics. Due to my work over the last three decades of research, experiences and investigations into philosophical, historical and linguistics roots to make economics into a science. Starting in early 1994, I was a Fulbright fellow at AAlborg University (AAU), Denmark when I met other professors such as Professor Michael Fast, Professor Xing LI and others with whom I have kept in touch with as wrote papers and books together. When I returned to Northern California, I was recruited as the first manager of technology at Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory (LLNL). Also in 1990s, I was a contributing author and editor for The Nobel Peace Prize for UN IPCC (December 2007).

Due to all of this work, research and experiences, I earned 2nd PhD (as well as 6 peer reviewed published papers) in science. All of this, as well as my volunteer work with the United Nations then, led me to make economics into a science. What I learned at LLNL is science is not just quantitative, but also qualitative as my first book on Qualitative Economics (QE) documents. As a professor at AAU, I kept in touch as asked lecturer during the 1990s and then in 1999 a full-time visiting professor for three years. Then as a full professor at AAU, I predicted “brown and black outs” in Southern California (June 2000). California governor Davis asked me to be one of his five energy advisors. I started QE research in energy problems and solutions. This led to our investigations of quantitative numbers, data that used linear economics of supply and demand. All of was questionable which is why QE was enacted on companies that submitted false data, charts, statistics and numbers. The results for the governor’s legal team by using qualitative and quantitative methods were transformational then and set a methodological approach for other investigations then and now. However, the governor was recalled in late 2003 that led to my forming Clark Communications-Strategic partners for consulting, publishing, updating my pass media with international speeches and more.

Over two decades, I have been doing research on Qualitative and Quantitative Economics (Q2E), since QE is the next economics and my book on circular economics TOC 2020. People, organizations, companies and governments to provide financing for new technologies, systems and create products those are economical and hence viable for the public to acquire for their own use. This is circular economics in action. Therefore, the dependence on linear supply-demand that never worked can be put aside. As this paper will show, CE is applied around the world starting in the EU Nations (EU) January 2015 and now in China (July 2018). Other countries are also enacting CE for small businesses and now a few large corporations and communities who have plans for circular economics as sustainability and other cases below.