Agboton BL, Agueh VD, Vigan J, Sourou BA, Ahoui S, Agboton CG and Djrolo F
Objective: Identifying which of the three scores (MNA, SGA and ISRNM) would better assess the nutritional status of chronic hemodialysis patients in Benin
Patients and Methods: We conducted a cross-sectional, descriptive and analytical study. It was carried out over a three-month period, from 1st July to 31st September 2015. The study participants included patients who have been on hemodialysis for at least the past 6 months, non-admitted in the past 4 weeks and having given their consent to participate in the study. All patients were subject to anthropometric parameters and checkups in order to apply the three nutritional scores: Mini Nutritional Assessment (MNA); Suggestive Global Assessment (SGA); International Society of Renal Nutrition and Metabolism (ISRNM criteria). Statistical analysis was performed through EpiData Ver 3.1.
Outcomes: 149 patients were selected including 38.93% of women and 61.07% of men. Age ranged from 19 to 79 years with 48 ± 12.88 as mean age. The prevalence of overall malnutrition was respectively 42.75%; 36.24% and 14.09% based on MNA, SGA and ISRNM scores. There was poor protein intake in 85.19% of cases, body mass index (BMI) was below 23 kg/m² in 68.46% of cases, hypoalbuminemia and pre-dialysis hypocreatininemia were recorded in respectively 29.53% and 52.38% of cases.
Conclusion: SGA score seems to be a more objective score as it uses both history and clinical data. BMI and protein intake when considered distinctly, have a better predictive value of our patients nutritional status.